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Biometrics - next wave of personal information and regulation
Amazon uses your palm print for payment at Whole Foods. Disney requires your fingerprints when entering a park. Biometrics. This is the...

What I Did on My Summer Vacation (and Why I am Worried)
It was during a drive to a sleepaway camp in the Poconos this summer that the signs of the current state of the economy crystalized. Help...

Net Leasing Maintains Its Luster, Even Through Pandemic
While the pandemic upended many things, one thing remains constant: landlords prefer ‘net leasing’ to any other lease terms. Even the...

What all Entrepreneurs can Learn from Family Businesses
The pandemic challenged nearly every type of business – from large corporations to solo entrepreneurs. COVID forced wholesalers,...

Domain Names As A Commodity To Buy And Sell; With Caution
What’s in a domain name? Could be quite a lot . A domain name is the address of a website. Understanding domain names as a commodity...

Hub-And-Spoke Office Strategy Creates Opportunity For Co-Working
It could take years for the Manhattan office market to recover but the prospects for co-working spaces, especially those in the Hudson...

Funding For Restaurants/Hospitality Coming Soon: Be Early, Be Prepared
The early bird gets the worm. Advice to those in the restaurant and hospitality businesses: sharpen your pencils and apply for...

Eminent Domain Is A Powerful Tool To Shape Development But Comes With Complications
When the owners of HNA Training Center in Palisades expressed interest in selling the site last year, the Town of Orangetown inserted...

COVID Has Ushered In An Era That Demands Fluidity & Speed
COVID may be reshaping retail stores, literally. With the pandemic’s ongoing uncertainties, retailers have a longer-term need to make...

Municipalities Should Review Comprehensive Plans And Update Them In light Of COVID Real Estate Boom
As devasting as COVID has been, there have been economic silver linings for Rockland County such as the ongoing residential real estate...
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