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Secrets from the Corner Office: John Wickes of Ira Wickes Arborists

The series will feature interviews with prominent business leaders in the Hudson Valley including Joseph Rand of Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate | Rand Realty, Sabrina Hosang Jordan of Caribbean Food Delights, Courtney Boniface of Cane & Boniface, John Wickes of Ira Wickes Arborists, Ann Byne of the Byne Group, Steve Botto of Steve Botto Landscaping, Sheldon Horowitz of the Safe Harbour Group and many others. Each of the interview participants will answer the same five questions so that readers can get consistent insight into the thinking of the Hudson Valley’s most successful business people.

Here is the interview of John Wickes of Ira Wickes Arborists.

What one decision/event had the biggest impact on your business?

Being sued in 1999. It's still going on in 2017.

What is the best business advice that you ever received?

Surround yourself with an excellent team of professionals. Pay them very well, and listen to them. Make a plan, work the plan down to daily action steps, prioritize them and do the most important first.

What is the one thing that you know now about your business that you wish you knew sooner?

Don't get into a business without a plan to get out.

What is the secret to good hiring?

Have excellent job descriptions, and a specific recruiting process for each position. Spend an inordinate amount of time recruiting and selecting. Do a home interview, with the spouse or significant other. Don't offer the job until you have gone through the complete process. You can always say no. Don't say yes until you complete the process.

With all of the demands on your time, how do you organize your day?

Have a daily list of things to do, based on long and short term goals. Prioritize daily, do the most important things first, carry the rest over to the next day.


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